Workplace Conflict: Your Next Steps to a Resolution (Part 2)

employment disputesIn the last post, some helpful tips to resolve workplace conflicts and employment disputes were discussed. The previous tips focused around the importance of active listening, keeping the conversation on topic, and the delicate skill of expressing feelings and emotions without the conversation becoming too heated.

In this post, you’ll read a few more tips to help you resolve workplace disputes.

Ask, don’t tell

Even if you’re at the very end of your patience with one of your coworkers, you shouldn’t tell them off the first chance you get. Usually, if you’re that frustrated, it’s because you waited until you couldn’t take any more before speaking up. If your coworker is doing something that bothers you, don’t wait too long to speak to them about it, and don’t approach it by telling them to stop in an angry tone of voice. Instead, approach them calmly and ask them why they’re doing that, and if there is a way to compromise so that you both are happy with the outcome.

Forgive and forget

After you’ve civilly discussed the problem with your coworker and you both have agreed to come to a peaceful resolution, be sure to make that the end of it. If the problem that initiated the conflict has been resolved and is no longer an issue, then you shouldn’t hold a grudge against your coworker. Resentment and passive aggression are a perfect recipe for future workplace conflicts. When you let go of those negative emotions and move forward in a spirit of good faith, you will ultimately be the better for it. The only way to truly come to a resolution is to be open to the process and accept the outcome.


No, don’t organize a rebellion to overthrow your office enemies, and definitely don’t try to gossip about him or her to pit other coworkers against them. If resolution isn’t obtainable by your efforts alone, then it’s a good idea to bring the conflict to an organized setting. Your coworker will be more willing to resolve the issue if it’s in a structured setting. You can organize via a meeting with other staff members, or you can raise the issue directly with your supervisor. To speak generally about employment disputes and workplace conflict, you can set up a meeting with your workplace mediation team.

The average manager spends about 25 to 40% of his or her time handling employment issues and workplace disputes, which adds up to about one or two days worth of work each week. With proper workplace conflict resolution training and/or workplace mediation, a manager’s time can be better spent elsewhere.

Interested in resolving employment disputes and workplace conflicts effectively and efficiently? Give our Baltimore employment dispute experts a call today.